You read about the local organization, Reach One Teach One on our blog, and now we have information about their upcoming holiday events! If you’re looking to get involved with ROTO,
these are easy and fun ways to start.
On October 30th, ROTO is hosting a Trunk or Treat at the Harrison Elementary ball fields. They will be passing out candy for the kids and there will even be a kickball tournament with adults and kids.

November 11 is LuLu Day in honor of a beautiful, giving woman, Lulu, who went out of her way to care for the homeless, especially on Thanksgiving. They will be gathering at Calvary Church of the Nazarene to make Thanksgiving food boxes and then heading downtown to serve that community. This is also a family event, so bring your kids and show them how to serve in their community!

On December 11th, ROTO will be having a Holiday drive! Bring canned goods and in exchange, leave with gifts for your children. No judgment or other asks are involved. You help feed those in need and get Christmas gifts for your kids. If providing gifts for your kids is not an issue, come serve with the group. Collect the canned goods and pass out gifts to the families that need them.

December 14th is the ROTO Christmas party… enough said with that one. Even if this is your first time with ROTO, come party with an awesome community that will welcome you with open arms.
If you have questions about ROTO and want to learn more, click the links below!
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