While it would be fair to say that most, if not all artists, engage the political in their work, it’s the sign of a powerful writer when they can engage with politics directly, without pretense or digression, and find resonance, rather than skepticism or contempt.
On the eve of the US Presidential Election, Walnut Street Publishing would like to recommend the Poetry Foundation’s collection of Political Poems for your reading pleasure. We’ve included a few verses from this collection, many of which express timeless sentiments regarding the dual privilege and frustration of engaging with the democratic process in America.
At this time, we would likewise humbly recommend that you vote. Our mission at Walnut Street Publishing has always been the elevation of all voices, regardless of race, religion, age, gender, or any other factor that others may consider disqualifying.
You are not disqualified. However cynical politics may become, at the voting booth, there exists an opportunity to remind the political class and the nation as a whole that you are here, you have a voice, and your voice will be heard.
Poem in the American Manner By Dorothy Parker
I dunno yer highfalutin’ words, but here’s th’ way it seems
When I’m peekin’ out th’ winder o’ my little House o Dreams;
I’ve been lookin’ ‘roun’ this big ol’ world, as bizzy as a hive,
An’ I want t’ tell ye, neighbor mine, it’s good t’ be alive.
I’ve ben settin’ here, a-thinkin’ hard, an’ say, it seems t’ me
That this big ol’ world is jest about as good as it kin be,
With its starvin’ little babies, an’ its battles, an’ its strikes,
An’ its profiteers, an’ hold-up men—th’ dawggone little tykes!
An’ its hungry men that fought fer us, that nobody employs.
An’ I think, “Why, shucks, we’re jest a lot o’ grown-up little boys!”
An’ I settle back, an’ light my pipe, an’ reach fer Mother’s hand,
An’ I wouldn’t swap my peace o’ mind fer nothin’ in the land;
Fer this world uv ours, that jest was made fer folks like me an’ you
Is a purty good ol’ place t’ live—say, neighbor, ain’t it true?
I Am Waiting (Excerpt) By Lawrence Ferlinghetti
I am waiting for my case to come up
and I am waiting
for a rebirth of wonder
and I am waiting for someone
to really discover America
and wail
and I am waiting
for the discovery
of a new symbolic western frontier
and I am waiting
for the American Eagle
to really spread its wings
and straighten up and fly right
and I am waiting
for the Age of Anxiety
to drop dead
and I am waiting
for the war to be fought
which will make the world safe
for anarchy
and I am waiting
for the final withering away
of all governments
and I am perpetually awaiting
a rebirth of wonder
White Petals (Excerpt) By Tim Dlugos
White petals
drop into the dark river.
Heedless of political significance,
they ride out to the sea like stars.
Vist Vote.org for non-partisan voting information
Walnut Street Publishing is a Chattanooga-based independent publisher that specializes in amplifying stories from new and experienced authors and artists. We build a bridge for authors and artists to their audiences around the world. We do this by creating avenues for talented individuals to publish their work. We believe in working together to help bring stories to life. We specialize in helping new authors find their voice and assist them in the publishing process while also being a solution to experienced authors who want a more personal publisher.